Why choosing dental implants is an investment in your future

Dental implants may already be on your radar if you have suffered tooth loss, but you may be wondering if this much-touted treatment is really the best solution to your missing teeth.

dental-implants-wattonThere are two key points to note about dental implants when comparing tooth placement options:

  1. They are the only permanent method of replacing lost teeth
  2. They are the only way your dentist can replace your tooth roots

In essence, a dental implant is a bionic tooth root. They are made out of titanium and are placed in direct contact with the jaw bone under either local anaesthetic or conscious sedation at Clarence House Dental Care in Watton.

Not only to implants ensure that your teeth stay firmly in your mouth, they also help to preserve the health and density of your jaw bone. When several or all of the natural teeth are missing, the jaw bone will start to resorb or shrink. This is the primary cause of loose traditional dentures, and can also change the entire structure of your face and cause sagging of the skin around the jowls, making you look old before your time.

Most people who wear traditional dentures will experience problems with their fit. Ill-fitting dentures can cause your gums to become sore if they start to rub, can limit you to a soft-food diet, can change your speech and can have a significant negative effect on your confidence. If your dentures begin to slip or fall out in public situations, it can restrict your social life, contributing to the problems of loneliness and social isolation that are common among the over-75s as people start to avoid situations where slipping teeth can cause embarrassment.

By choosing dental implants, you can avoid or alleviate all of these problems. Implants integrate with your jaw bone in the months after surgery, meaning they will hold dentures, crowns, or bridge in position with a similar strength to that of natural tooth roots.

This means that you will be able to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, and can get back to enjoying time with friends and family with no fear that your teeth will let you down.

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