The Daily Mail’s good floss guide

The Daily Mail’s good floss guide

Together Dental was delighted to help the Daily Mail to produce the Good Floss guide


It is our mission to help people keep their teeth healthy with good, positive hygiene that they can do at home everyday. No wonder then that the Daily Mail asked our Clinical Director, and dentist, Mayur N Pandya for his expert advice on the very best gadgets for cleaning your teeth. There is so much teeth tech on the market right now, but is it worth and what do you actually need? According to new data from YouGov only 31% of people clean their people properly. From simple toothpicks to hi tech personal water jets, Mayur gives the UK’s most-read newspaper the real lowdown on what’s best for keeping your teeth in tip top condition. The Daily Mail call it the good Floss guide and we are very proud to share our knowledge.


Curved brushes and nano floss with micro-riser technology get top marks, but here’s a link to the full guide which will give you everything you need to know!


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