Is Your Smile Ready for the Summer Holidays?

The holiday season is just getting into full swing and many of us make extensive preparations so we can thoroughly enjoy a well-earned rest for a week or two. However, do your preparations take into account your dental health? There is little worse than going on holiday and waking up with a toothache, and being faced with the prospect of finding an emergency dentist to deal with the pain.

healthy-smileGet Up-To-Date with Your Dental Check-ups before You Go

This is why we’d urge you to make sure that you and all your family members are up-to-date with your check-ups well in advance of your departure date. It’s even more important if you have had a niggling sensation that something is wrong with one or more of your teeth. Perhaps you have noticed increased tooth sensitivity to hot and cold or maybe you get occasional tooth pain. By coming to see our Watton dentist, we can soon diagnose any problems so they can be treated before you go away, giving you the confidence and peace of mind to thoroughly enjoy your holiday.

Don’t Forget to Book a Hygiene Appointment for a Sparkly Smile

We thoroughly recommend that everybody has a hygiene appointment every six months. You can either book this at the same time as your visit to our dentist in Watton, but you don’t need to see a dentist to book an appointment. Having your teeth professionally scaled and polished can be a really nice way to prepare for your summer holidays. Not only does this treatment help protect your teeth and gums, but having your teeth professionally polished will give them a bit of extra sparkle so you can smile with confidence. It’s also a nice way to freshen up your breath. If this isn’t quite enough then why not treat yourself to a professional tooth whitening treatment?

Teeth Whitening Is a Fast and Effective Way to Get Your Smile Ready for summer

If you have noticed your smile is looking a bit dingy and you feel slightly self-conscious about it, ask our Watton dentist about our professional teeth whitening treatment. This is highly affordable and is very safe. Our dentist will examine your teeth and gums to make sure treatment is suitable for you before making your custom made whitening trays. These are designed to fit exactly over your teeth, preventing tooth whitening gel from leaking out onto your gums. Every treatment is fully customised so if you have slightly sensitive teeth then we can prescribe a lower strength of whitening gel so you can whiten comfortably. All you have to do is to wear your whitening trays for a few hours each day or you can leave them in overnight. In just a couple of weeks your smile will be beautifully white. Another really nice thing about having custom-made whitening trays is that we can supply additional gel when it’s time to top up your treatment.

If you are overdue for a check-up, or want to find out more about teeth whitening treatments or any other type of cosmetic dentistry in Watton, then please contact Clarence House Dental Care on 01953 882777. You can also book your appointment online at

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